Is Your Site Mobile Friendly?

Recently, Google announced that it has changed the way it ranks websites in its search engine.  Sites that are not mobile friendly will be listed lower than the sites that are mobile friendly.  So, how do you determine if your site is mobile ready?  Well, you have three options.  First, you can visit your site with your smart phone – does it look the way you want it to?  Your second option is to Click Here and use Google’s very own Mobile-Friendly Test Tool.  The last option is to contact us and have us test the site for you.

In any case, if Google likes your site, then you have nothing else to do!  More than likely, Google will not like the mobile friendlyness of your site.  If you want to make your site mobile friendly, then we can help.  For as little as $100, we can make a simple mobile site that will look and navigate well on a smart phone or tablet.  The best option, however, is to re-program your entire site so that it meets all the specifiations of the Google Analytics program.

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